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17 Article(s)
Gluten Intolerance?

Gluten Intolerance?

1) Digestive problems Digestive problems such as flatulence, bloating, abdominal cramps, diarrhoea and constipation are the most common symptoms of gluten intolerance. People with celiac disease may experience fatty stools (steatorrhoea) due to impaired fat digestion. The stools are slimy, greasy, pale in colour and have an unpleasant odour. 2) Neurological Disorders Our gut has […]

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BrainFood – Your key to a powerful brain and sharp senses

BrainFood – Your key to a powerful brain and sharp senses

Revolutionize Your Life with Brainfood: Boost Your Nervous System, Brain Power & Senses – Start Today for a Better Tomorrow!

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Our vital shakes for beautiful skin

Our vital shakes for beautiful skin

Our smoothie recipes are not only super delicious and healthy, they are – enriched with our vital products – the perfect daily companions for a firm connective tissue and a radiantly beautiful complexion! Try it out for yourself right now! We are excited to see which one becomes your new favorite recipe.

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Successfully and permanently lose weight – without yoyo effect and hunger pangs

Successfully and permanently lose weight – without yoyo effect and hunger pangs

Möchtest du auch ein paar lästige Pfunde loswerden? Wunderbar! Wir können nie genug für unseren Körper und unsere Gesundheit tun. Allerdings haben die meisten Diäten ein riesiges Problem: Sie sind nicht besonders nachhaltig und für den Organismus eine einzige Tortur. Der sogenannte Jo-Jo-Effekt ist vorprogrammiert. Genau da setzt unser revolutionäres Stoffwechselprogramm an: dr. reinwald metabolic regulation® ist nicht einfach eine Diät.

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Why are proteins so important in old age?

Why are proteins so important in old age?

We humans are getting older and older. Just a few decades ago, one was considered old in one’s mid-sixties, one was usually retired and lived a quiet, contemplative life. Today, most of us want to be active into old age, go travelling… in short, enjoy life. But what determines whether and to what extent we are fit and agile into old age?

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Fermenting for healthy intestinal flora

Fermenting for healthy intestinal flora

Probiotic drinks and vegetables for your intestinal flora

Fermentierte Lebensmittel liegen gerade absolut im Trend. Dabei ist das Verfahren des „lebendigen Haltbarmachens“ keineswegs eine Erfindung unserer Zeit. Vielmehr ist das Fermentieren eine uralte Technik zur Konservierung von Lebensmitteln.

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The importance of vitamin intake for nutrition, fitness and human health

The importance of vitamin intake for nutrition, fitness and human health

Trust your stomach again with your brains

Vitamine sind organische Substanzen, die im Körper eine katalytische Funktion bei den biochemischen Reaktionen des Stoffwechsels haben. Sie müssen von außen zugeführt werden und sind keine Baustoffe des Körpers (sonst müsste man z. B. auch die Aminosäuren zu den Vitaminen zählen).

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Vitamin D – the sunshine vitamin all year round

Vitamin D – the sunshine vitamin all year round

Vitamin D is considered THE vitamin par excellence

Vitamin D is considered THE vitamin par excellence for the health of our bones. What many people don’t know: Vitamin D is one of the most important nutrients when it comes to strengthening our defences and effectively preventing infections!

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How useful are dietary supplements really?

How useful are dietary supplements really?

Does investing in nutritional supplements make sense?

If the body lacks vital nutrients over a longer period of time, this initially becomes noticeable through reduced performance, and in the long term possibly also through permanent damage. A targeted addition of nutritional supplements is therefore sensible. But how can a nutrient deficiency occur at all despite a “good” diet? And what kind of nutritional supplementation is recommended?

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The body’s own glutathione – awaken the superpowers within you

The body’s own glutathione – awaken the superpowers within you

Wenn die Leber erstmal mit der Produktion von körpereigenen Gluthation beginnt, dann geht eine wahre „La-Ola-Welle“ durch den Körper. Schließlich wird es auch als „Master-Antioxidans“ bezeichnet.

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