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48 Article(s)
Antioxidants – Our internal “rust-protection”

Antioxidants – Our internal “rust-protection”

What about an internal recycling of vitamins & Co?

The whole world is talking about sustainability, but what about our body’s own recycling of valuable vitamins and minerals? After all, they are essential for supporting our immune system and fighting harmful free radicals. In our article you will learn more about the world of antioxidants and why active hydrogen is the secret star of these eager helpers.

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Small but powerful: The basics about micronutrients

Small but powerful: The basics about micronutrients

Vitamins, minerals and trace elements – in short the micronutrients – are a true elixir of life for us humans. It is not without reason that these little valuable helpers are often called vital substances. Because only with an adequate supply can our organism produce important hormones, enzymes and other substances, which in turn are responsible for metabolic processes such as regeneration, vitality and growth.

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Dietary fibers – why is intake so important?

Dietary fibers – why is intake so important?

That dietary fibers are an important part of a balanced diet, everyone should know by now. What dietary fibers are, however, exactly, why they are so important for our body, how and where we find them and above all in which quantity we should consume them, is mostly not known.

Time to take the topic more exactly into the magnifying glass and examine this nourishing classical author with fresh knowledge.

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Dangerous microplastics – our life in plastic

Dangerous microplastics – our life in plastic

More than 5 trillion plastic parts drift in the oceans. But plastic is not only omnipresent in our oceans. Plastics and synthetic materials have become an integral part of our modern society. But how do they behave when it comes to our health?

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Granny’s Superfood: The good old bone broth

Granny’s Superfood: The good old bone broth

Fermentation and bone broth are similar to ketogenic nutrition: it is currently experiencing a renaissance, and especially in the USA, it is virtually a hype. Our modern medical knowledge of protein and fat metabolism confirms what could only be suspected in the past: consommé is nutritious, good for the intestines and awakens the spirit.

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Vegan Keto Recipes

Vegan Keto Recipes

Fermentation and bone broth are similar to ketogenic nutrition: it is currently experiencing a renaissance, and especially in the USA, it is virtually a hype. Our modern medical knowledge of protein and fat metabolism confirms what could only be suspected in the past: consommé is nutritious, good for the intestines and awakens the spirit.

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Bitter thanks – for a good gut feeling

Bitter thanks – for a good gut feeling

Admittedly, the term “bitter” does not necessarily arouse positive associations in any of us. But as is so often the case, it is not the sweet temptations that are beneficial to our health, but the often unpopular and unjustly neglected substances, such as bitter herbs.

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Antibiotics: The troublemaker for our intestinal flora

Antibiotics: The troublemaker for our intestinal flora

If you google the terms “antibiotics + bowel”, you will not only be confronted with more than 3.5 million results, but also realize that this topic apparently moves many people, including Dr. Sofia Förslund.

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